Click on the grantee’s logo to go to their website.
Oregon Coast Community Action
Project: CASA of Coos and Curry Counties
Year: 2022 Grant Amount: $10,000 Location: Coos Bay, ORAbout:
This proposal will provide recruitment, training, and supervision support for our CASA volunteers. Our goal for this year is to recruit and train 15 new CASAs and serve at least 150 children. CASAs advocate for children in foster care.
Oregon Farm Academy
Project: School Food Forest Project
Year: 2015 Grant Amount: $5,000 Location: Eugene, ORAbout:
Funding will be used to build a perimeter deer fence and tool shed, and to purchase the materials to grow food and provide 4 workshops to at least 30 students. Within one year, the forest will provide fresh produce for 25 low-income families through a sliding-scale CSA.
Oregon Food Bank
Project: Unrestricted
Year: 2016 Grant Amount: $5,000 Location: Portland, ORAbout:
Support of the Oregon Food Bank mission: To eliminate hunger and its root causes – because no one should be hungry.
Oregon Food Bank
Project: Food and programs for children and families
Year: 2017 Grant Amount: $5,000 Location: Portland, ORAbout:
Provides necessary food and food-related programming for low-income children and families, who might otherwise go without.
Outside the Frame
Project: General Operating Support 2025
Year: 2024 Grant Amount: $15,000 Location: Portland, ORAbout:
Outside the Frame trains homeless and marginalized youth to be directors of their own films and lives, providing a creative outlet, job training, a public platform, and a sense of dignity and possibility through filmmaking.
Project: Wilderness Recreation
Year: 2017 Grant Amount: $8,000 Location: Portland, ORAbout:
p:ear’s recreation program makes physical activity fun, safe and accessible, in both urban and wilderness settings, to Portland’s homeless youth. Two hundred and fifty-six youth participate in p:ear’s 44 outdoor trips annually. These experiences are often life changing. Funds from this grant will provide the necessary gear for homeless young people to safely experience wilderness recreation.
Philanthropy Northwest
Project: Census Equity Fund 2020
Year: 2019 Grant Amount: $37,500 Location: Seattle, WAAbout:
This is an unusually large grant for Lamb Foundation. The directors felt that it was important enough that they devoted a large portion of Fall 2019 grants to join with fellow philanthropists to support this effort. Census 2020 is extremely important because an accurate count of citizens determines many factors, including how much money is available to states for social services. By supporting an accurate count, especially among those most in need of these services, funds will have an impact of further reach.
The Census Equity Fund is designed to concentrate funding and services for those who are hardest to count. Among others, these include people living in rural, tribal or non traditional tracts, homeless people, people with language barriers, people without adequate internet connection or skills, and young children. Philanthropy Northwest is managing this fund to serve the entire state of Washington.
Pioneer Relief Nursery
Project: Wheels of Hope
Year: 2019 Grant Amount: $17,000 Location: Pendleton, ORAbout:
Enables therapeutic classes at least twice as often per week, reduces the number of taxi vouchers issued (and therefore expense) for respite services, and creates access to crucial Relief Nursery services in other areas of Umatilla County.
Portland Homeless Family Solutions
Project: Diversion to prevent homelessness for families with children
Year: 2017 Grant Amount: $10,000 Location: Portland, ORAbout:
This project will help 80 homeless families with children under 18 in Portland either prevent or end their homelessness.
Portland Homeless Family Solutions
Project: Homeless Prevention Program
Year: 2019 Grant Amount: $10,000 Location: Portland, ORAbout:
Allows families with 72-hour eviction notices to get help keeping their homes and never having to experience homelessness at all. PHFS pays back rent and utilities for families during times of emergency and serves 67 families with children.
Portland Public Schools
Project: Safety Patrol Picnic Ride Bracelets
Year: 2019 Grant Amount: $10,000 Location: Portland, ORAbout:
Roughly 2400 students from over 70 public and private Portland area schools facilitate the safe crossing for thousands more students who walk and bike to school each day. Each year Portland Public Schools Security Services Department throws a picnic at Oaks Park, which includes tickets for the rides. This is a huge incentive and thank you to those students.
The cost has recently become prohibitive for many schools. This grant is intended to allow some of the schools who could not participate this year to afford to participate in 2020.
Portland State University Foundation - Center for Women's Leadership
Project: Center For Women's Leadership GOALS program: Girls Oregon Action Leadership Service
Year: 2017 Grant Amount: $12,000 Location: Portland, ORAbout:
The GOALS program works collaboratively with a Teen Council of 30+ teen girl leaders from approximately 15 high schools to host an all-day educational Leadership Summit for 300+ girls from approximately 40 Portland Metro Area high schools.
Project Lemonade
Project: Inspiring Self-Esteem to Help Foster Youth Succeed in School and Life
Year: 2022 Grant Amount: $15,000 Location: Portland, ORAbout:
This grant will support Project Lemonade’s 3 programs in 2022. It will help us reach our goal to assist 2500 foster youth with 1) clothing needs, 2)provide paid job training to 15 youth interns, and 3) grant 100 youth WISHes.
Click here to watch a five-minute video about Project Lemonade from youth served.
Safety Compass
Project: Organizational Support and Direct Service Needs in Oregon
Year: 2020 Grant Amount: $10,000 Location: Salem, ORAbout:
Offers trauma-informed and survivor-informed advocacy, long term case management and systems navigation to connect exploited victim/survivors of the commercial sexual industry with support services and justice system assistance.
Project: Schools Unitiing Neighborhoods (SUN) Program
Year: 2020 Grant Amount: $15,000 Location: Portland, ORAbout:
Providing extended-learning, healthy recreation, skill development, and community involvement opportunities for over 6,000 K-12 students and families annually to support diversity, equity, and inclusion and respond to demographic trends.